Negatives and irrelevance are over time put on a ledger in a religion so that process leads to the elimination of those pesky negatives. But outside the religion there is no understanding of this process because it is not experienced first hand, and so, without a proper ledger, things that are accounted manageably inside the religion, are accounted as having gross negatives. It's just accounting.
So while terrorism is negative to its victims, to its practicioners the stakes are accounted within a ledger constituting a world-view that is completely different, ending in a way of reconciling irrelevance into relevance and negative into positive. one's view of history is different. one's schedule of world progress is different. But the accounting can be learned by anyone. It's all a matter of synergies--the multiplication of economic values.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
religions and irrelevance, in and outside
Posted by
2:21 PM
religions and irrelevance, in and outside
economic values|history|irrelevance|ledger|multiplication|negative|positive|religion|synergy|terrorism|

economic values,
Homo sapiens individuals are fond of reciting the view that they are superior to all other species. certainly they are one of the more populous species of the past few thousand years. I would like to offer the contrary view. Homo sapiens is making the most of a competitive advantage over some other species, an advantage which is temporary and which does not extend to superiority over all other species on a limitless time scale.
As a result, however, of this belief that they are superior, which can be called its anthropocentrism, homo sapiens loses its place as a member of all its other divisional levels, up to kingdom, preferring instead to label all those species in all those shared divisions as vastly inferior. they may be doing this because they have never witnessed the extinction of a whole division or phylum, and so take a myopic posture relative to the survival of all of the various divisions. Or it may be they have a pathological leadership structure. this is the more likely explanation since war remains a regular habit for them. Consequently, they do not recognize upper ranks of other species, since their own, present company being excludable, do not have sufficient independence to recognize species-independent mastery.
It's a matter of what one does with his time once he becomes one of the elite of the species. Does he spend it solidifying his advantage over the rest of the species, or does he spend it learning his biological environment.
As a result, however, of this belief that they are superior, which can be called its anthropocentrism, homo sapiens loses its place as a member of all its other divisional levels, up to kingdom, preferring instead to label all those species in all those shared divisions as vastly inferior. they may be doing this because they have never witnessed the extinction of a whole division or phylum, and so take a myopic posture relative to the survival of all of the various divisions. Or it may be they have a pathological leadership structure. this is the more likely explanation since war remains a regular habit for them. Consequently, they do not recognize upper ranks of other species, since their own, present company being excludable, do not have sufficient independence to recognize species-independent mastery.
It's a matter of what one does with his time once he becomes one of the elite of the species. Does he spend it solidifying his advantage over the rest of the species, or does he spend it learning his biological environment.
Posted by
2:05 PM
anthropocentrism|homo sapiens|species|

homo sapiens,
rich man/camel quote by Jesus
The quote by Jesus is "It is harder for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to get through the eye of a needle."
A man who is extremely rich has dealt with a world of relevant values, weeding out all the irrelevant ones rather than creating an adaptation for keeping irrelevance straight and keeping track of its synergies that result in multiplication of irrelevant values, leading to appearance of negative relevant values, so that further multiplication allows these negative values to become positive values--a negative times a negative yields a positive. The rich man never learns how to do this and consequently is totally lacking in spiritual values. This of course is the textbook case and rarely does it fit reality. Irrelevance is hard to weed out, even though it is harder to reconcile it, and usually everybody gets a little taste of the irrelevance of doing good.
A man who is extremely rich has dealt with a world of relevant values, weeding out all the irrelevant ones rather than creating an adaptation for keeping irrelevance straight and keeping track of its synergies that result in multiplication of irrelevant values, leading to appearance of negative relevant values, so that further multiplication allows these negative values to become positive values--a negative times a negative yields a positive. The rich man never learns how to do this and consequently is totally lacking in spiritual values. This of course is the textbook case and rarely does it fit reality. Irrelevance is hard to weed out, even though it is harder to reconcile it, and usually everybody gets a little taste of the irrelevance of doing good.
Posted by
1:55 PM
rich man/camel quote by Jesus
camel|irrelevance|jesus|multiplication|relevance|rich man|synergy|

rich man,
on God/Caesar quote from Jesus
The quote from Jesus is "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Render unto God what is God's." I read this to be a straight application of the orthogonal relationship between relevant and irrelvant values. Caesar's values, the relevant ones, do not affect the ledger for God's values, the irrelevant ones, since they lie along a different coordinate axis. You can have responsibilities in each tender. Discharging one does not reduce the debt in the other. Of course this is not the whole story. It deals with the purely additive properties of relevant, or real, and irrelevant, or imaginary, values, not the multiplicative ones that produce a negative when two irrelevant, or imaginary, values are multiplied.
Posted by
1:47 PM
on God/Caesar quote from Jesus
caesar|god|imaninary values|irrelevance|jesus|ledger|multiplication|negative|orthogonal|real values|relevance|

imaninary values,
real values,
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