Went to two IIT alumni events this weekend. Friday night was a networking session held at the on-campus hang-out, the Bog. Met two current IIT students named Chuck and Steve, and we talked about a number of things including photography. Also met another current student, Aisha (can't recall exact spelling). She is an architecture student and a member of the student group, Student Organization for Alumni Relations. Also met a student who was very interested in my thoughts about whether anything had changed on the IIT campus since I was a student. His name began with a P. I said campus was not changed in any way--it's identical. They had nice appetizers.
Today, Saturday, they had a lot of alumni events. I took a trolley tour of campus and learned so many things that IIT is doing to improve its physical identity, and also that the public housing to the south is gone and classy condominiums, and a Starbucks up in its place. This is good news.
Then I attended a lecture by the university archivist about the students and campus of the 1950s. I learned a lot about activities of the military on campus.
Then I had a burger and dog, compliments of IIT. Yum!! Thank you very much.
Enjoyed homecoming very much and looking forward to next year.
Still to come...a lecture by Susan Solomon, IIT grad and Nobel Peace Prize winner, on October 13.
Recent update: I couldn't go to the lecture by Ms. Solomon because I had to go to a class as a judge of election. They discourage rescheduling those.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
IIT homecoming this weekend.
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5:55 PM
IIT homecoming this weekend.

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