Depending on one's estimation of the probability that my missive to the Soviet embassy caused the downfall of the Soviet Union, one will be of some mind respective of that estimation to allow that I am entitled to my day in the media, despite the factors regarding my place in the Chicago Mafia, factors militating secrecy. It is evident the Mafia has no interest in assessing the autobiography from cover to cover and that only the general public is widely enough based to adequately do so.
Some of the events depicted in the work will shock a lot of people, but without a normal distribution of readers on a range of biases there will be no possible motivation to cross-check throughout the work for some recognition of the uniqueness of the story to the point that shocking events will be well woven into the sense of the life from beginning to the end of the tale. I recognize that this can be seen as a dangerous suggestion. I am not arguing for more input by the Mafia. I am arguing for less. The most shocking events occurred before my induction and understanding them is not going to be had by way of my history of association with the Mafia. They are concerned with my relevance to them. This is a small relationship compared to my entire life's import. Failing to submit the autobiography to a complete analysis will lead to interminable stagnation of my greatest potential.
A viewing of the video life story in the sidebar will show clearly that my life as a Mafia kingpin is startlingly absent any details as rich and productive as my life before that. This I must suggest stems from a basic failure of the Mafia to investigate my story or to encourage me to discuss it. The posting of the video story to this blog occurred with opposition from a major mass of the Mafia organization. I am left to conclude that the issue for this mass is not some small number of details, but every detail over some fairly long interval, such that the real issue is my very identity. My only recourse under these conditions is to propose the widespread distribution of various forms of the autobiography. These would include circulation of the work itself, adaptation to the screen in either fictitious or documentary form, and my own view of the work as will be gotten from media presentations of me in conversation about it. Such coverage will certainly bring along with it criticism, some from light exposure tending to discount it or vilify it, some from any number of exhibitionist tastes, and some from interest in the deeper issues. The chief of the deeper issues is survival, my own of course, but also that of the free world which was posed to engage the Soviet Union at any moment as it had been for some number of years until, I am suggesting, I sent a document to the Soviet embassy in early to mid-December of 1989. Even the people who were living under Soviet rule must admit they now face no threat such as they did before their government collapsed, so the population served by my action, if cause and effect is the correct relationship, is even greater than the free world.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What next, given the suggestion I caused the fall of the Soviet Union?
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10:31 PM
What next, given the suggestion I caused the fall of the Soviet Union?
fall of communism|media|soviet union|

fall of communism,
soviet union
Document is argued to have caused the fall of Communism in 1989 and following.
Within the autobiography is a recounting of my steps creating a document I sent to the embassy of the Soviet Union in December of 1989 just about a week before the execution of Romania's president on December 25. The exact date of posting my document is not certain. It occurred before my visit to my brother's house on the 24th, no more than a couple of weeks before then. Over the succeeding months the entire Communist world was flooded with downfalls of Communist regimes. Certainly there was trouble before I sent the document, however, overthrow of the government was not a manifest certainty at that time. Things could have gone many ways, but my document arguably pushed the whole mess to ruin.
No convincing argument supporting any individual action or actions by other persons as the cause of this global upheaval has been offered.
To locate the passage in the autobiography describing the steps of creation of the document, it must be noted that the work is divided into 100 equal time intervals ending in my 59th year. One of these intervals, at this writing, is further divided into 100 intervals, so each segment is given as four decimals, most of them with the last two as zeros. The interval in question is 6500.
Within each interval, commentaries are listed as "items" and each is given a four-digit hexadecimal random id number. This gives a way to search for a commentary whose id is known, yet avoids a commitment to any strict order of commentaries within one time interval. Time order is a priority within each of the segments, but is not as reliably known as the larger time divisions, and moreover, many events have relevance on some continuum of time or have a complex time relationship to other items and subjects, making their association with one moment a difficult one. A random id is suited to this structure.
The random id of the commentary on the document I sent to the Soviet embassy in Washington D.C. is D9C4. So this commentary is specified as segment 6500, item id D9C4.
This event is not discussed in the video life story located in the side bar.
No convincing argument supporting any individual action or actions by other persons as the cause of this global upheaval has been offered.
To locate the passage in the autobiography describing the steps of creation of the document, it must be noted that the work is divided into 100 equal time intervals ending in my 59th year. One of these intervals, at this writing, is further divided into 100 intervals, so each segment is given as four decimals, most of them with the last two as zeros. The interval in question is 6500.
Within each interval, commentaries are listed as "items" and each is given a four-digit hexadecimal random id number. This gives a way to search for a commentary whose id is known, yet avoids a commitment to any strict order of commentaries within one time interval. Time order is a priority within each of the segments, but is not as reliably known as the larger time divisions, and moreover, many events have relevance on some continuum of time or have a complex time relationship to other items and subjects, making their association with one moment a difficult one. A random id is suited to this structure.
The random id of the commentary on the document I sent to the Soviet embassy in Washington D.C. is D9C4. So this commentary is specified as segment 6500, item id D9C4.
This event is not discussed in the video life story located in the side bar.
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