In broad political terms, rather than analytical scientific ones, the Aurora massacre is to be understood for its effect on the social and political framework in which the incident occured and is occurring. This broad effect, we can all guess fairly well, will amount to a stress on the system. The participants in this system, largely limited to just the United States population, are equally, under the hypothesis that bacteria regulate all CNSs, regulated by bacteria like the alleged shooter. But as the hypothesis holds that human violent tendencies are controlled by bacteria and used to offset human idiosyncratic practices of treatment of corpses, the play that this massacre gets in the media and under discussion will all take a turn in keeping with the hidden agenda of bacteria. There is no doubt in my mind that bacteria are responsible for all crimes just as all wars, and also for all the greatest achievements of men, or more properly said, must be assigned an equal share in such responsibility given that the exact proportion is way beyond the current state of progress of scientific argument about bacterial regulation of CNSs, and probably is not a simple proportion anyway but rather a complex array of weights regarding the myriad factors that determine mammal behavior, or indeed any animal behavior.
If we withdraw the measure of penalty for crime then we must necessarily also withdraw the reward for enterprise, which is the protection under the law for men to keep the fruits of their labor, for without bacteria labor would not be fruitful. While withdrawing penalty inspires a certain altruistic sympathy, withdrawing protection of fruits can safely be assumed to have no sympathizers outside of a miniscule set of extremists, or those criminals who fail to project beyond the initial booty. Yet these two changes of law would be equally necessary under an, excessively naive, revision under the hypothesis. Evidently a morph of the hypothesis to theory status would parallel developments with respect to the actual extent of shared responsibility with bacteria, and what revisions to law are necessarily called for on scientific grounds. Every implication of the hypothesis, at the current level of evidence, requires for its appreciation a vastly greater scale of time assissment than the perspective of law today. The course of events that lead to a man doing something like the Aurora massacre involve interventions, and taken opportunities leading to establishing a territorial hegemony, by bacteria at key times and places across millions, but moreso even billions of years.
The results of careful observation and deliberation will alone settle the matter, for it is well enough along in discussion that an end of uncertainty is within expectation, since a place for the discussion has been prepared here and, to some extent, elsewhere.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Understanding the case of the Aurora massacre.
a suggested new astronomical term
It seems to me there is a small step of progress which could be attained by grouping together stars with planets in a single category, planets being defined according to the new definition of the International Astronomical Union, in 2006, that omits Pluto. The attainment of hydrostatic equilibrium, one of the new criteria of the IAU for planets, is shared by stars, and in my view enables a body to operate on a certain level that is no different whether planet or star, and needs to be recognized in civilization by a new term if this level is to get the attention it needs for fruition. The term I suggest for this category is astremity, a borrowing from the word extremity, which characterizes a filling of a certain space with form and which suggests the idea of curvature filling a certain space to form a planet or star.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
A speculation about what caused me to become psychotic in 1974
I have cast about wildly looking for the reason I became psychotic in 1974, drawing together extended combinations of events, not reaching any one such drawing of much more certainty than another.
It may however be simple.
Just before I began the full-blown psychotic marathon of three days or so, within a few days of it, I was assigned to work on a model for the housing section of the Abu Dhabi architectural team at The Architects Collaborative in Cambridge, MA. Soren Rono, the head of the housing section, gave me the assignment, a definite opportunity for me to show my talents.
I was given a space in which to work. It was the office supplies room, a roughly five foot by seven foot square space with a foot and a half diameter column in the middle of it. A door was in place on supports, against the wall of the space. That was my work table. There were no windows.
This was not enough space to do serious work in.
But my mission was to do what I was asked to do, especially when it was architecture-related work such as this was. I did not permit myself to consider my comfort. Another person might have complained. I was not a complainer.
This was not in this case a good character trait. It led to me sitting at the table wallowing in the details of the work and reaching a point where all I could do was sit and stare at the materials at hand. Soren popped his head in the door, and not recognizing that the space was too small assessed the situation as a failure on my part. He gave me a sympathetic but disappointed look and said he would take over, not verbally expressing his assessment of what I was doing. He did not have to move into the space there. He had his own layout that was plenty big in another room in the office, the housing section room with several other architects, and some windows. Each architect in the firm had at least two working tables each about three feet by six feet.
This is the reason I went psychotic. I lost my grip on reality, my tenacity to be effective in all circumstances. I lost my sense of self-defense. All this because I couldn't draw a line where I saw trespass occurring on my rights. I hope I am able to incorporate this understanding of my basic wits into my life now and start speaking up for my needs. Mission and my comfort need to be reconciled before I reach the point of disaster in my means of living.
This is an issue that first surfaced in my freshman year at Yale when I conceived of my mission being to work independently from all other groups in some city's ghetto. I reflected that it would require a large discomfort. I didn't consider it all with responsibility that would make it a done deal. The next year I simply dropped the whole thing when I took a girlfriend and wasn't able to incorporate my mission into the idea of having a life partner. I never confided in anyone the degree of severity of life I was anticipating, making for a night-mare of unvocalized personal motives, one of which was not complaining when my mission, whatever it morphed into, led to my personal discomfort.
This is obviously not the end of all this.
It may however be simple.
Just before I began the full-blown psychotic marathon of three days or so, within a few days of it, I was assigned to work on a model for the housing section of the Abu Dhabi architectural team at The Architects Collaborative in Cambridge, MA. Soren Rono, the head of the housing section, gave me the assignment, a definite opportunity for me to show my talents.
I was given a space in which to work. It was the office supplies room, a roughly five foot by seven foot square space with a foot and a half diameter column in the middle of it. A door was in place on supports, against the wall of the space. That was my work table. There were no windows.
This was not enough space to do serious work in.
But my mission was to do what I was asked to do, especially when it was architecture-related work such as this was. I did not permit myself to consider my comfort. Another person might have complained. I was not a complainer.
This was not in this case a good character trait. It led to me sitting at the table wallowing in the details of the work and reaching a point where all I could do was sit and stare at the materials at hand. Soren popped his head in the door, and not recognizing that the space was too small assessed the situation as a failure on my part. He gave me a sympathetic but disappointed look and said he would take over, not verbally expressing his assessment of what I was doing. He did not have to move into the space there. He had his own layout that was plenty big in another room in the office, the housing section room with several other architects, and some windows. Each architect in the firm had at least two working tables each about three feet by six feet.
This is the reason I went psychotic. I lost my grip on reality, my tenacity to be effective in all circumstances. I lost my sense of self-defense. All this because I couldn't draw a line where I saw trespass occurring on my rights. I hope I am able to incorporate this understanding of my basic wits into my life now and start speaking up for my needs. Mission and my comfort need to be reconciled before I reach the point of disaster in my means of living.
This is an issue that first surfaced in my freshman year at Yale when I conceived of my mission being to work independently from all other groups in some city's ghetto. I reflected that it would require a large discomfort. I didn't consider it all with responsibility that would make it a done deal. The next year I simply dropped the whole thing when I took a girlfriend and wasn't able to incorporate my mission into the idea of having a life partner. I never confided in anyone the degree of severity of life I was anticipating, making for a night-mare of unvocalized personal motives, one of which was not complaining when my mission, whatever it morphed into, led to my personal discomfort.
This is obviously not the end of all this.
Monday, July 23, 2012
the Aurora massacre and bacterial regulation of CNSs
My perspective on the massacre in the Aurora movie theatre is that it brings up the question of whether it can be determined that it was, or wasn't, a result of bacterial regulation of the shooter's central nervous system, and since the suspect was a Ph.D. candidate in neuroscience this question is steeped in implications bearing on regulation of CNSs by bacteria, if it is in fact a valid hypothesis.
The first look, in investigating the evidence for regulation, must be directed first at whatever level of bacterial organization deals with the whole of animal taxonomy, for it is that level at which one species will be found to be measured in its value to bacteria compared to other species. Day to day events, particularly in a time of international peace, can be expected to get their examination by bacteria at a lower place in the division of labor that characterizes bacterial regulation, than the level of comparison of the species, and may not exhibit any recognizable traits if the investigation limits itself to details strictly within Homo sapiens.
Examination of bacterial organization of regulation of the whole animal population will be unfruitful if animals are considered the way humans typically, if not universally, view animal hierarchies within a species. In my experience animals have highly differentiated ranks, and evidence to this fact is not allowed to be witnessed by those who do not value highly the logistical powers of all species, which is mainly a valuation that comes about when logistics of one's own species is viewed as the only game in town. Animal species certainly are better understood by bacteria than by Homo sapiens. For Homo sapiens to understand bacteria better than they do now, I can only offer the suggestion that contact is only possible if one separates himself from the paradigm that "God gave Man dominion over the Earth." A delusion is no less so when it is adhered to by nearly a whole species. Communication with the higher ranks of another species is only possible if one sets down his immersive habit of language use and asks himself what does he really have that is more than a convention. It is that freedom from convention that typifies communication between the higher ranks of animals, and which is regarded as noise by humanity.
The first look, in investigating the evidence for regulation, must be directed first at whatever level of bacterial organization deals with the whole of animal taxonomy, for it is that level at which one species will be found to be measured in its value to bacteria compared to other species. Day to day events, particularly in a time of international peace, can be expected to get their examination by bacteria at a lower place in the division of labor that characterizes bacterial regulation, than the level of comparison of the species, and may not exhibit any recognizable traits if the investigation limits itself to details strictly within Homo sapiens.
Examination of bacterial organization of regulation of the whole animal population will be unfruitful if animals are considered the way humans typically, if not universally, view animal hierarchies within a species. In my experience animals have highly differentiated ranks, and evidence to this fact is not allowed to be witnessed by those who do not value highly the logistical powers of all species, which is mainly a valuation that comes about when logistics of one's own species is viewed as the only game in town. Animal species certainly are better understood by bacteria than by Homo sapiens. For Homo sapiens to understand bacteria better than they do now, I can only offer the suggestion that contact is only possible if one separates himself from the paradigm that "God gave Man dominion over the Earth." A delusion is no less so when it is adhered to by nearly a whole species. Communication with the higher ranks of another species is only possible if one sets down his immersive habit of language use and asks himself what does he really have that is more than a convention. It is that freedom from convention that typifies communication between the higher ranks of animals, and which is regarded as noise by humanity.
Friday, July 20, 2012
On the various types of bacteria in the matter of their regulation of CNSs.
In shaping a new approach to the human habitat as a result of the hypothesis that bacteria regulate all animal CNSs it is apparent that the different types of bacteria that exist need to be better interrelated. It is my view that there is in relations between bacteria a demonstration of a division of labor, even more developed than that which exists in the world's many national economies. This division can be basically framed as being in two groups, one which operates directly on central nervous systems, and one which serves to keep them under some sort of accessibility by degrading the self-control of the individual animal, through effects on the many internal organs and members of the body and their functioning.
Animals must inhale and exhale and this makes it impossible to prevent some access to and from the body by bacteria. But also, animals have contact with the ground, and this provides a certain tendency to allow an incursion of bacteria through the outer covering, whether that be skin or some other covering. Once inside the body an advanced form of division of labor, keeping the central nervous system penetrated or enveloped or both, by bacteria, becomes an economical operation. Buildings, ventilation systems, cleaning methods, and clothing, all intercede in access of bacteria to human bodies, but also provide reservoirs that allow it.
What emerges is a field of operation rich in possibililties for metabolic reward for bacteria. Success of a species comes about under the regulatory actions of bacteria, and when it reaches its zenith bacteria is in a prime position to enjoy the CNS vitality as a place with access to stable conditions and priority of measures to maintain those. Perhaps at the top of the division of labor is the group that dwells in or near the CNS. This is only a "perhaps" because regulation raises the possibility of the existence of ranks of bacteria higher than the dwellers in and near CNSs, which must be in a more orderly position so that the many species being regulated, including Homo sapiens, can be kept in some sort of general state of bounty for use by bacteria, or enabled to adaptively evolve so that the bounty to bacteria increases or dangers to it neutralized.
Such a system would only respond favorably to a discovery of it if that discovery recognizes the fact that bacterial regulation has been an agent in the rise to prominence of Homo sapiens, and that continuation or growth of that prominence depends on approval by bacterial ranks in charge of the evolution of animals. Pride and shame are in for a revolutionary awakening, possibly a rude one. It is not just intelligence that must succomb to a new view of ecology, but every hard-won human attribute, all the way to spirituality and will. Shame and guilt must suffer the same demise. Depending on how successful the investigation of regulation of CNSs is, so will improvement come about from the discovery. It may come down to a matter of individual readiness to investigate the hypothesis that determines whether an individual benefits from it or is simply shunted into one or another circle of ignorance, the current general state being one such circle already.
Animals must inhale and exhale and this makes it impossible to prevent some access to and from the body by bacteria. But also, animals have contact with the ground, and this provides a certain tendency to allow an incursion of bacteria through the outer covering, whether that be skin or some other covering. Once inside the body an advanced form of division of labor, keeping the central nervous system penetrated or enveloped or both, by bacteria, becomes an economical operation. Buildings, ventilation systems, cleaning methods, and clothing, all intercede in access of bacteria to human bodies, but also provide reservoirs that allow it.
What emerges is a field of operation rich in possibililties for metabolic reward for bacteria. Success of a species comes about under the regulatory actions of bacteria, and when it reaches its zenith bacteria is in a prime position to enjoy the CNS vitality as a place with access to stable conditions and priority of measures to maintain those. Perhaps at the top of the division of labor is the group that dwells in or near the CNS. This is only a "perhaps" because regulation raises the possibility of the existence of ranks of bacteria higher than the dwellers in and near CNSs, which must be in a more orderly position so that the many species being regulated, including Homo sapiens, can be kept in some sort of general state of bounty for use by bacteria, or enabled to adaptively evolve so that the bounty to bacteria increases or dangers to it neutralized.
Such a system would only respond favorably to a discovery of it if that discovery recognizes the fact that bacterial regulation has been an agent in the rise to prominence of Homo sapiens, and that continuation or growth of that prominence depends on approval by bacterial ranks in charge of the evolution of animals. Pride and shame are in for a revolutionary awakening, possibly a rude one. It is not just intelligence that must succomb to a new view of ecology, but every hard-won human attribute, all the way to spirituality and will. Shame and guilt must suffer the same demise. Depending on how successful the investigation of regulation of CNSs is, so will improvement come about from the discovery. It may come down to a matter of individual readiness to investigate the hypothesis that determines whether an individual benefits from it or is simply shunted into one or another circle of ignorance, the current general state being one such circle already.
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6:21 PM
On the various types of bacteria in the matter of their regulation of CNSs.
bacteria|division of labor|pride|regulation|shame|

division of labor,
Monday, July 16, 2012
No confidence in Syrian Government.
I assert that my vote is against the Syrian government and their loyalist supporters, and in favor of the rebels. This vote is substantially an affirmation of the consensus of Western powers, as I believe they are developing their arguments along lines of growth throughout the world of the principle of democracy, and I concur in that line of argument. I understand that information about fighting in Syria depends on your source, and in such a state of flux the most that can be said by those outside the conflict is a broad statement of allignment with the side one feels is most just, and the most that can be hoped for is a turning of the conflict by accumulation of favorable supposedly random events to that more just side.
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