Negatives and irrelevance are over time put on a ledger in a religion so that process leads to the elimination of those pesky negatives. But outside the religion there is no understanding of this process because it is not experienced first hand, and so, without a proper ledger, things that are accounted manageably inside the religion, are accounted as having gross negatives. It's just accounting.
So while terrorism is negative to its victims, to its practicioners the stakes are accounted within a ledger constituting a world-view that is completely different, ending in a way of reconciling irrelevance into relevance and negative into positive. one's view of history is different. one's schedule of world progress is different. But the accounting can be learned by anyone. It's all a matter of synergies--the multiplication of economic values.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
religions and irrelevance, in and outside
Posted by
2:21 PM
religions and irrelevance, in and outside
economic values|history|irrelevance|ledger|multiplication|negative|positive|religion|synergy|terrorism|

economic values,
Homo sapiens individuals are fond of reciting the view that they are superior to all other species. certainly they are one of the more populous species of the past few thousand years. I would like to offer the contrary view. Homo sapiens is making the most of a competitive advantage over some other species, an advantage which is temporary and which does not extend to superiority over all other species on a limitless time scale.
As a result, however, of this belief that they are superior, which can be called its anthropocentrism, homo sapiens loses its place as a member of all its other divisional levels, up to kingdom, preferring instead to label all those species in all those shared divisions as vastly inferior. they may be doing this because they have never witnessed the extinction of a whole division or phylum, and so take a myopic posture relative to the survival of all of the various divisions. Or it may be they have a pathological leadership structure. this is the more likely explanation since war remains a regular habit for them. Consequently, they do not recognize upper ranks of other species, since their own, present company being excludable, do not have sufficient independence to recognize species-independent mastery.
It's a matter of what one does with his time once he becomes one of the elite of the species. Does he spend it solidifying his advantage over the rest of the species, or does he spend it learning his biological environment.
As a result, however, of this belief that they are superior, which can be called its anthropocentrism, homo sapiens loses its place as a member of all its other divisional levels, up to kingdom, preferring instead to label all those species in all those shared divisions as vastly inferior. they may be doing this because they have never witnessed the extinction of a whole division or phylum, and so take a myopic posture relative to the survival of all of the various divisions. Or it may be they have a pathological leadership structure. this is the more likely explanation since war remains a regular habit for them. Consequently, they do not recognize upper ranks of other species, since their own, present company being excludable, do not have sufficient independence to recognize species-independent mastery.
It's a matter of what one does with his time once he becomes one of the elite of the species. Does he spend it solidifying his advantage over the rest of the species, or does he spend it learning his biological environment.
Posted by
2:05 PM
anthropocentrism|homo sapiens|species|

homo sapiens,
rich man/camel quote by Jesus
The quote by Jesus is "It is harder for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to get through the eye of a needle."
A man who is extremely rich has dealt with a world of relevant values, weeding out all the irrelevant ones rather than creating an adaptation for keeping irrelevance straight and keeping track of its synergies that result in multiplication of irrelevant values, leading to appearance of negative relevant values, so that further multiplication allows these negative values to become positive values--a negative times a negative yields a positive. The rich man never learns how to do this and consequently is totally lacking in spiritual values. This of course is the textbook case and rarely does it fit reality. Irrelevance is hard to weed out, even though it is harder to reconcile it, and usually everybody gets a little taste of the irrelevance of doing good.
A man who is extremely rich has dealt with a world of relevant values, weeding out all the irrelevant ones rather than creating an adaptation for keeping irrelevance straight and keeping track of its synergies that result in multiplication of irrelevant values, leading to appearance of negative relevant values, so that further multiplication allows these negative values to become positive values--a negative times a negative yields a positive. The rich man never learns how to do this and consequently is totally lacking in spiritual values. This of course is the textbook case and rarely does it fit reality. Irrelevance is hard to weed out, even though it is harder to reconcile it, and usually everybody gets a little taste of the irrelevance of doing good.
Posted by
1:55 PM
rich man/camel quote by Jesus
camel|irrelevance|jesus|multiplication|relevance|rich man|synergy|

rich man,
on God/Caesar quote from Jesus
The quote from Jesus is "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Render unto God what is God's." I read this to be a straight application of the orthogonal relationship between relevant and irrelvant values. Caesar's values, the relevant ones, do not affect the ledger for God's values, the irrelevant ones, since they lie along a different coordinate axis. You can have responsibilities in each tender. Discharging one does not reduce the debt in the other. Of course this is not the whole story. It deals with the purely additive properties of relevant, or real, and irrelevant, or imaginary, values, not the multiplicative ones that produce a negative when two irrelevant, or imaginary, values are multiplied.
Posted by
1:47 PM
on God/Caesar quote from Jesus
caesar|god|imaninary values|irrelevance|jesus|ledger|multiplication|negative|orthogonal|real values|relevance|

imaninary values,
real values,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I have produced a solution from scratch for a sudoku 16, the 16x16 analog of the 9x9 sudoku commonly seen in the papers. I used my own character set of 16 characters. I think it would have been harder using hexadecimal--0-9 plus A-F.
Posted by
12:10 PM
character inventions|mathematics|sudoku|sudoku 16|

character inventions,
sudoku 16
Sunday, November 23, 2008
irrelevance and the square root of minus one
It seems to be little appreciated that much of what goes on in the lives of "spiritual people", from the common church goer to Jesus himself, is much more rational, even calculative, than is given credit for. I was musing over this and happened to reflect on the possibility that the term for the square root of minus one, imaginary, is not as linguistically appropriate as the term "irrelevant". In the complex number plane, where real and imaginary values are graphed orthogonally, an imaginary value is quite plainly irrelevant to values on the real axis--it does not add in and can be componentally disassociated from the real values. Imaginary is not a measurable concept. Irrelevant is.
What if all the considerations present in a life viewed as irrelevant were actually just as calculative as the considerations present in a life viewed as relevant. When would we notice the effects of multiplication of two values that are irrelevant to get a product that is negative and relevant? There never having been a ledger sheet for irrelevance, all the calculations involving irrelevance are out of control except for the traditional lessons of spirituality, a largely trial and error process. it is easy to see how negatives to relevance, as well as negatives to irrelevance, could develop quite naturally. Jesus, and all prophets, have a hell of a time with the establishment. They're always considered negative by a great number of people. I am not saying this is incorrect. It is correct, but I am proposing that it's more understandable than has been thought.
It may very well be that we are missing a lot of economically important information in the economy by not incorporating irrelevance on ledgers and in our money system.
The creation of a profit from manufacture of a product occurs because the total spent on materials and processes is exceeded by the saleable value of the manufactured good. This is called a synergy. The sum is greater than the parts. But what I take it is happening is that addition of the inputs is not where the synergy comes from. It comes from their multiplication.
So anytime a product is profitable we can pretty much expect that there is a multiplication of relevant values involved in its manufacture, somewhere on a ledger. But if just one irrelevant value gets mixed in with all the relevant values in the multiplication, the net result becomes irrelevant. And if two irrelevant values get involved, the net result is negative. For this reason companies watch very carefully to weed out irrelevance from the workplace. But if irrelevance were monetized, it could be ledgered and the size of the economy would be doubled, on first principles. There would no longer be any fear of irrelevance because it would be steered by accounting into net positive relevant values.
Somewhat murky, I'm afraid, but perhaps you get the picture.
What if all the considerations present in a life viewed as irrelevant were actually just as calculative as the considerations present in a life viewed as relevant. When would we notice the effects of multiplication of two values that are irrelevant to get a product that is negative and relevant? There never having been a ledger sheet for irrelevance, all the calculations involving irrelevance are out of control except for the traditional lessons of spirituality, a largely trial and error process. it is easy to see how negatives to relevance, as well as negatives to irrelevance, could develop quite naturally. Jesus, and all prophets, have a hell of a time with the establishment. They're always considered negative by a great number of people. I am not saying this is incorrect. It is correct, but I am proposing that it's more understandable than has been thought.
It may very well be that we are missing a lot of economically important information in the economy by not incorporating irrelevance on ledgers and in our money system.
The creation of a profit from manufacture of a product occurs because the total spent on materials and processes is exceeded by the saleable value of the manufactured good. This is called a synergy. The sum is greater than the parts. But what I take it is happening is that addition of the inputs is not where the synergy comes from. It comes from their multiplication.
So anytime a product is profitable we can pretty much expect that there is a multiplication of relevant values involved in its manufacture, somewhere on a ledger. But if just one irrelevant value gets mixed in with all the relevant values in the multiplication, the net result becomes irrelevant. And if two irrelevant values get involved, the net result is negative. For this reason companies watch very carefully to weed out irrelevance from the workplace. But if irrelevance were monetized, it could be ledgered and the size of the economy would be doubled, on first principles. There would no longer be any fear of irrelevance because it would be steered by accounting into net positive relevant values.
Somewhat murky, I'm afraid, but perhaps you get the picture.
Posted by
11:20 AM
irrelevance and the square root of minus one
complex plane|complex values|imaninary values|irrelevance|real values|relevance|spirituality|square root of minus one|

complex plane,
complex values,
imaninary values,
real values,
square root of minus one
Saturday, November 22, 2008
the videos in the sidebar
The nine videos in the sidebar take the viewer on a tour of my life from 1951 to 2002, and there are too many highlights to mention.
Friday, November 21, 2008
a world where the pinion is lifted
Let us suppose someone or several persons raise the amount of my small happiness, $175,000,000, and put it in an escrow account pending a mutually agreed upon criterion, with a mutually agreed upon time limit, of return of the world economy to regularity and out of crisis. In order for this to have happened, first of all, it must be reasonably established in my blog and other effects that I have enough authority, experience, and science to justify to both sides of the escrow their respective risks in the enterprise of the escrow. While to some the element of science is sufficient in itself to justify such risk, others will need to see a certain type of experience before even examining any claim of science, and still others will need to certify that the proper authority to undertake so responsible an undertaking in fact exists before allowing any protracted presentation of experience. These three elements, then, are posited as all being necessary in due time pursuant to an escrow addressing the pinion.
Having so posited a course given positive appreciation of the pinion, we need to comment on the plausibility of a positive position, from the simple anticipation that it might be argued that claiming to have had a hand in causing the crisis is patently negative and to offer to remove it for a fee is patently extortive. I will argue that the pinion is also a claim that the world economy can be made better by me than it was before the crisis occurred, not just returned to regularity. I will not be able to clarify the decision to cause harm in order to get the world's attention. It is easy to anticipate that a claim that I had the ability to improve the world economy and would anyone like to deposit into an escrow to that end, would not be taken seriously no matter how much authority was behind it, or rather one must say that that kind of authority does not exist at present. Given that no escrow, lacking evidence, is realizable, a demonstration is unavoidable. Given a demonstration, a positive demonstration is not sustainable as it tends to disassociate boundaries of personal volition, whereas a negative demonstration is more sustainable as it has distinct quasi-national qualities that a positive demonstration does not have. These affectations, as they alight here more or perhaps less persuasively, just happen to correspond to the emerging codes which engendered the pinion, and were utterly surprising to me i might add.
This correspondence lends credibility to the enterprise of the pinion for my position. Whether it lends credibility to it for the other position, that of those who deposit into the escrow if this happens, is anyone's guess.
All these deliberations weigh on the choice of small happiness for me by someone and the claimed consequence of return to regularity of the world economy. They establish a base on which to approach the seemingly imaginary enterprise of the choice of large happiness for me by someone to the tune of $7 billion and the claimed consequence of a higher global standard of living, one might say in ignorance of the many dangers of distributive inequalities already pervasive. by for now.
Having so posited a course given positive appreciation of the pinion, we need to comment on the plausibility of a positive position, from the simple anticipation that it might be argued that claiming to have had a hand in causing the crisis is patently negative and to offer to remove it for a fee is patently extortive. I will argue that the pinion is also a claim that the world economy can be made better by me than it was before the crisis occurred, not just returned to regularity. I will not be able to clarify the decision to cause harm in order to get the world's attention. It is easy to anticipate that a claim that I had the ability to improve the world economy and would anyone like to deposit into an escrow to that end, would not be taken seriously no matter how much authority was behind it, or rather one must say that that kind of authority does not exist at present. Given that no escrow, lacking evidence, is realizable, a demonstration is unavoidable. Given a demonstration, a positive demonstration is not sustainable as it tends to disassociate boundaries of personal volition, whereas a negative demonstration is more sustainable as it has distinct quasi-national qualities that a positive demonstration does not have. These affectations, as they alight here more or perhaps less persuasively, just happen to correspond to the emerging codes which engendered the pinion, and were utterly surprising to me i might add.
This correspondence lends credibility to the enterprise of the pinion for my position. Whether it lends credibility to it for the other position, that of those who deposit into the escrow if this happens, is anyone's guess.
All these deliberations weigh on the choice of small happiness for me by someone and the claimed consequence of return to regularity of the world economy. They establish a base on which to approach the seemingly imaginary enterprise of the choice of large happiness for me by someone to the tune of $7 billion and the claimed consequence of a higher global standard of living, one might say in ignorance of the many dangers of distributive inequalities already pervasive. by for now.
Posted by
11:42 AM
a world where the pinion is lifted
authority|codes|crisis|enterprise|escrow|experience|happiness|million dollars|physics|pinion|quasi-national|regularity|risk|science|

million dollars,
about followers of this blog
I must point out the sidebar feature "followers". Anyone may become a follower to this blog, as one person has already done. You can do this privately or publicly. When you are a follower of a blog your dashboard features a large section devoted to recent posts to blogs you are following. You can add this gadget to your own blog and have followers there. Aide! (Let's dance!)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
being First
As the part 8 video in the sidebar comments on, I became First in Chicago in 1992.
What does a first person do?
Well, first, he stops trying to become first. He begins finally to make good on all his lifelong promises. So my interpretation of being First was to begin writing a journal. My intent was to cure myself of mental illness. As a result of this, in about 2003, I no longer exhibited symptoms of manic depression, one of my two diagnoses, the other being schizophrenic. The doctor took me off of my medication, Depakote. I continued to take Zyprexa for schizophrenia. Another sign I was done with manic depression was that my blood levels of Depakote were significantly reduced, indicating my system was not using it any more.
This development gave me a much wider sphere of activities, since I no longer had to be collapsing my work schedule because of attacks, my planning could be more comprehensive.
I would never have attempted such a program of self treatment if I had not had the sense of confidence that I had the authority to take on anything I desired.
This is not the end of my mental illness problem. The fact of having a history of being manic depressive is equivalent in the world of employment to the fact of being manic depressive. So i stand a better chance as a freelancer than I do as an employment seeker.
Furthermore, I am still schizophrenic, and that is a much more difficult problem than manic depression. Fortunately, my theory of mental illness gives me an advantage. (See obelisk in the sidebar).
I have a small income as a consultant. I also work as a judge of election. In this way I afford a couple of credit cards.
The plans of any monarch depend on his war chest. He must be time-effective. There are many ways to make money but most of them are fraught with time demands and self-denigration. As a monarch, I prefer to be my own boss.
Being multitalented, I can devote effort to a sequence of things, giving each my full attention.
I was a candidate for public office--Illinois state representative--at the request of the Republican Party, which I have now forsaken in favor of the Democrats. The Republicans didn't thank me when the election was over. I got 2000 votes to my opponent's 20,000, but while the norm in politics is to spend $1 for every one vote one gets, I spent only ten cents.
I began a business as an artist. I decided to learn to do portraits in public of unknowing customers at Starbucks. This I succeeded at--Starbucks held a show of the drawings I did in their store. However, though there was a flood of complimentary remarks on the show, nothing sold, so, after another few months of drawing at other Starbucks locations, I discarded all my work. They weren't commercially valuable.
Now I am developing my pinion of the world economy. It succeeded because I am ecologically situated in greater stability than Homo sapiens, as a result of having been homeless for eight years and finding other ecology units than my own species were able to commerce with me intellectually. While mankind pictures ecology as two tone, man and not-man, I picture it more diversely, and man is not the highest point on the chart. The key is that ranking intensity varies much more than Homo sapiens views it to.
Let's take a break.
What does a first person do?
Well, first, he stops trying to become first. He begins finally to make good on all his lifelong promises. So my interpretation of being First was to begin writing a journal. My intent was to cure myself of mental illness. As a result of this, in about 2003, I no longer exhibited symptoms of manic depression, one of my two diagnoses, the other being schizophrenic. The doctor took me off of my medication, Depakote. I continued to take Zyprexa for schizophrenia. Another sign I was done with manic depression was that my blood levels of Depakote were significantly reduced, indicating my system was not using it any more.
This development gave me a much wider sphere of activities, since I no longer had to be collapsing my work schedule because of attacks, my planning could be more comprehensive.
I would never have attempted such a program of self treatment if I had not had the sense of confidence that I had the authority to take on anything I desired.
This is not the end of my mental illness problem. The fact of having a history of being manic depressive is equivalent in the world of employment to the fact of being manic depressive. So i stand a better chance as a freelancer than I do as an employment seeker.
Furthermore, I am still schizophrenic, and that is a much more difficult problem than manic depression. Fortunately, my theory of mental illness gives me an advantage. (See obelisk in the sidebar).
I have a small income as a consultant. I also work as a judge of election. In this way I afford a couple of credit cards.
The plans of any monarch depend on his war chest. He must be time-effective. There are many ways to make money but most of them are fraught with time demands and self-denigration. As a monarch, I prefer to be my own boss.
Being multitalented, I can devote effort to a sequence of things, giving each my full attention.
I was a candidate for public office--Illinois state representative--at the request of the Republican Party, which I have now forsaken in favor of the Democrats. The Republicans didn't thank me when the election was over. I got 2000 votes to my opponent's 20,000, but while the norm in politics is to spend $1 for every one vote one gets, I spent only ten cents.
I began a business as an artist. I decided to learn to do portraits in public of unknowing customers at Starbucks. This I succeeded at--Starbucks held a show of the drawings I did in their store. However, though there was a flood of complimentary remarks on the show, nothing sold, so, after another few months of drawing at other Starbucks locations, I discarded all my work. They weren't commercially valuable.
Now I am developing my pinion of the world economy. It succeeded because I am ecologically situated in greater stability than Homo sapiens, as a result of having been homeless for eight years and finding other ecology units than my own species were able to commerce with me intellectually. While mankind pictures ecology as two tone, man and not-man, I picture it more diversely, and man is not the highest point on the chart. The key is that ranking intensity varies much more than Homo sapiens views it to.
Let's take a break.
Posted by
11:48 AM
being First
artist|candidate|credit card|Depakote|manic depression|mental illness|ranking intensity|schizophrenia|self treatment|Starbucks|Zyprexa|

credit card,
manic depression,
mental illness,
ranking intensity,
self treatment,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
working at Hale Observatories
My next experience with computers was at Hale Observatories in Pasadena, CA. as a summer student. I had worked the previous summer at NASA in Mountain View, CA. and decided to transfer to U.C. Santa Cruz for my second bachelor's degree in physics.
At Hale I was in the solar astronomy department, headed by Bob Howard, with post-doc Barry LaBonte. They gave me responsibility for programming on a project to measure the historic sun's radius from data collected at Big Bear solar observatory. I used a Ratheon computer and worked from punched cards and mag tape.
The observatory offices where I worked were right in Pasadena. The 200-inch Hale Reflector was up in the mountains.
The library at the offices was very nice. The librarian gave me a book to read about the observatory's founder, George Ellery Hale. He was a Chicagoan. The reason she gave me that book was that she knew I was mentally ill and Hale had been mentally ill and really struggled with it. He kept seeing this little man who would torment him--a complete phantasm.
When the scientific paper came out on my project, written by Bob and Barry, I got mentioned in a footnote on the first page that said I did competent work. This was actually a nice compliment.
I enjoyed the historic setting at Hale and the people were very congenial. I went to lunch most days with a foursome of Barry, a programmer, and a tech. We would eat at the diner around the corner and had really friendly conversation.
Once a week there was a lunchtime colloquium given by various persons on different astronomical topics. One was given by Allen Sandage, an internationally noted astronomer.
At Hale I was in the solar astronomy department, headed by Bob Howard, with post-doc Barry LaBonte. They gave me responsibility for programming on a project to measure the historic sun's radius from data collected at Big Bear solar observatory. I used a Ratheon computer and worked from punched cards and mag tape.
The observatory offices where I worked were right in Pasadena. The 200-inch Hale Reflector was up in the mountains.
The library at the offices was very nice. The librarian gave me a book to read about the observatory's founder, George Ellery Hale. He was a Chicagoan. The reason she gave me that book was that she knew I was mentally ill and Hale had been mentally ill and really struggled with it. He kept seeing this little man who would torment him--a complete phantasm.
When the scientific paper came out on my project, written by Bob and Barry, I got mentioned in a footnote on the first page that said I did competent work. This was actually a nice compliment.
I enjoyed the historic setting at Hale and the people were very congenial. I went to lunch most days with a foursome of Barry, a programmer, and a tech. We would eat at the diner around the corner and had really friendly conversation.
Once a week there was a lunchtime colloquium given by various persons on different astronomical topics. One was given by Allen Sandage, an internationally noted astronomer.
Posted by
12:15 PM
working at Hale Observatories
allen sandage phd|astronomy|Barry LaBonte PhD|computers|george ellery hale|hale observatories|mental illness|pasadena CA|Robert Howard Phd|solar astronomy|

allen sandage phd,
Barry LaBonte PhD,
george ellery hale,
hale observatories,
mental illness,
pasadena CA,
Robert Howard Phd,
solar astronomy
Monday, November 17, 2008
my background in computers
My first experience with computers was just out of high school. I got a summer job, as a good physics student, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, IL, which was in its beginning stages of formation and hadn't even broken ground yet for the accelerator.
My boss was a physicist, Dr. David F. Sutter, from Cornell. Dave taught me the basics of circuits, and of logic. I was his only student. He would tutor me in his office. My own space was in an adjacent butler building, or large warehouse type structure. It was large and so was my space. Dave gave me a project to build a circuit, a high frequency clock. He stepped me through it at first and I finished it off. Then we debugged it together until it worked. I managed the lab supplies, getting requisitions for all the stuff Dave wanted us to have, getting some of it from the lab stock house, and ordering some of it from mail order catalogs, Allied and some other house. I learned to use the shop in the lab, drill press, band saw, bending machine, punch, etc. The manager of the shop was Bill Carter, a sturdy, unfrilled but warm and fatherly man, and he was very helpful. Another Cornell man came to work with us, Howie Pfeffer. He amazed me with his ability to debug quickly things I thought were real complicated. It always involved the oscilloscope because everything we did involved high frequencies.
Then I was put to work on my own project, a comparator and interrupt of a small minicomputer. I designed the circuit, with clear steering by dave, built it, and scouted out the computer interrupt. To do that I had to learn to program the computer in its own machine language. It was a Variandata 620i computer, with a language called DAS, for data assembly system. Another physicist, Chuck Schmidt, taught me how to run and program it. It was located in another building, supported by air pressure alone for some technical reason. You entered through a pressure-maintaining door.
i was thrilled with the work involving the computer. I picked it up real fast. One of the electronic technicians told me he was really impressed with how fast I picked it up.
There was a teletype terminal that I typed the programs with. It produced a paper tape that was fed into another input. The computer had switches on its frame that enabled you to step through your programs to debug them. These were called sense switches.
Then in the back there was an interface for the interrupt. My circuit had to connect to it there, and there were eight switches on my circuit. these created eight bits, zero or one each, that when the computer clock got to that number in eight bits, it was interrupted. This process was necessary to enable accelerator control to divert local control stations from their routine operations and have them do something special that came up, which it might in such a large machine. The accelerator was to be four miles in circumference.
That's all for this post.
My boss was a physicist, Dr. David F. Sutter, from Cornell. Dave taught me the basics of circuits, and of logic. I was his only student. He would tutor me in his office. My own space was in an adjacent butler building, or large warehouse type structure. It was large and so was my space. Dave gave me a project to build a circuit, a high frequency clock. He stepped me through it at first and I finished it off. Then we debugged it together until it worked. I managed the lab supplies, getting requisitions for all the stuff Dave wanted us to have, getting some of it from the lab stock house, and ordering some of it from mail order catalogs, Allied and some other house. I learned to use the shop in the lab, drill press, band saw, bending machine, punch, etc. The manager of the shop was Bill Carter, a sturdy, unfrilled but warm and fatherly man, and he was very helpful. Another Cornell man came to work with us, Howie Pfeffer. He amazed me with his ability to debug quickly things I thought were real complicated. It always involved the oscilloscope because everything we did involved high frequencies.
Then I was put to work on my own project, a comparator and interrupt of a small minicomputer. I designed the circuit, with clear steering by dave, built it, and scouted out the computer interrupt. To do that I had to learn to program the computer in its own machine language. It was a Variandata 620i computer, with a language called DAS, for data assembly system. Another physicist, Chuck Schmidt, taught me how to run and program it. It was located in another building, supported by air pressure alone for some technical reason. You entered through a pressure-maintaining door.
i was thrilled with the work involving the computer. I picked it up real fast. One of the electronic technicians told me he was really impressed with how fast I picked it up.
There was a teletype terminal that I typed the programs with. It produced a paper tape that was fed into another input. The computer had switches on its frame that enabled you to step through your programs to debug them. These were called sense switches.
Then in the back there was an interface for the interrupt. My circuit had to connect to it there, and there were eight switches on my circuit. these created eight bits, zero or one each, that when the computer clock got to that number in eight bits, it was interrupted. This process was necessary to enable accelerator control to divert local control stations from their routine operations and have them do something special that came up, which it might in such a large machine. The accelerator was to be four miles in circumference.
That's all for this post.
Posted by
12:06 PM
my background in computers
accelerator|computers|cornel|Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory|logic|machine language|machine shop|Pfeffer Howard|physics|Sutter David F.|variandata 620i|

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
machine language,
machine shop,
Pfeffer Howard,
Sutter David F.,
variandata 620i
while I'm waiting
While I'm waiting for action on my pinion, which I'm sure the general sentiment is that it will be when hell freezes over, I must advance on my business of computer consulting.
I was thinking about it and I believe there needs to be a clear difference made in my approach to people who, in the one case, want me to execute things for them and aren't interested in learning how to do much themselves, and in the other case, want me to teach them how to do things.
I would call the first case, where I execute things for them, a shadow service. In this case the client is a person totally without delusions about their computer skills, recognizes nevertheless the computer is a dandy thing, and wants to cash in on it any way he or she can. So he or she becomes a shadow sitting beside me and I become a shadow sitting beside him or her. Between us goes on all kinds of communication until we get the job done. But at the end of the session, the client is no different a person than he or she was at the beginning. I enter like a shadow and I exit like one. And he or she appears to me like a shadow too, except that in the process I have learned a lot about the person's needs and limitations of terminology and knowledge of computer processes.
The other type of client, who wants me to teach him or her how to do things on the computer, I will call simply a learner client. In this case really the door is wide open, anything is discussable, and the wider we set the agenda the more satisfied the client will eventually be. This of course requires also that my knowledge is much greater than the client's, and for many computer users this will just not be the case, and I will not be of use to him or to her. I am not a technician. I am a well-rounded scientist, and some people will find that useful and impressive, but some people will anticipate pretty much what that entails in terms of computer knowledge, and pass on it.
Next, a discussion of my background in computers.
I was thinking about it and I believe there needs to be a clear difference made in my approach to people who, in the one case, want me to execute things for them and aren't interested in learning how to do much themselves, and in the other case, want me to teach them how to do things.
I would call the first case, where I execute things for them, a shadow service. In this case the client is a person totally without delusions about their computer skills, recognizes nevertheless the computer is a dandy thing, and wants to cash in on it any way he or she can. So he or she becomes a shadow sitting beside me and I become a shadow sitting beside him or her. Between us goes on all kinds of communication until we get the job done. But at the end of the session, the client is no different a person than he or she was at the beginning. I enter like a shadow and I exit like one. And he or she appears to me like a shadow too, except that in the process I have learned a lot about the person's needs and limitations of terminology and knowledge of computer processes.
The other type of client, who wants me to teach him or her how to do things on the computer, I will call simply a learner client. In this case really the door is wide open, anything is discussable, and the wider we set the agenda the more satisfied the client will eventually be. This of course requires also that my knowledge is much greater than the client's, and for many computer users this will just not be the case, and I will not be of use to him or to her. I am not a technician. I am a well-rounded scientist, and some people will find that useful and impressive, but some people will anticipate pretty much what that entails in terms of computer knowledge, and pass on it.
Next, a discussion of my background in computers.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
the functional elements of the pinion
As a result of my study of mental illness I arrived at an understanding of life. Initially, this was expressed in terms of logic and was not very well elaborated. Lately, however, I have made some progress on the theory, found a common sense interpretation, and determined a very simple expression of the theory in terms of characters which I invented in 1983, my own language you might say, except that needing none for myself, I put no sounds to the characters, and, more importantly, do not use them as words, rather as numbers. much more than this I will not tell, nor probably could I since my characters aren't on the keyboard and I haven't yet attempted to create that functionality. However, I will tell what I have done in simple functional terms. I have expressed life's options at the most fundamental level, and these are threefold. Zero, life gets more complicated. One, life gets more regular. Two, life gets more fulfilling. That having been done, I have started a countdown on a calculator with a program I wrote. When the countdown ends, I make a determination: Am I not happy, small happy, or large happy. My inscription on my expression of life's options then will correspond to my happiness. Not happy, i write life gets more complicated. Small happy, I write life gets more regular. Large happy, I write life gets more fulfilling. That is a simplified explanation of the pinion. After the first countdown ended, I was not happy, and I wrote life's option of getting more complicated. Then in a few days the crisis on wall street broke. The countdown has ended again and I am still not happy and wrote accordingly. We will see.
Posted by
2:09 PM
the functional elements of the pinion
calculator|character inventions|happiness large|happiness small|happiness zero|life|life more complicated|life more fulfilling|life more regular|pinion|

character inventions,
happiness large,
happiness small,
happiness zero,
life more complicated,
life more fulfilling,
life more regular,
a big decision
I made a big decision a year or so ago. I live in a psychiatric nursing home and face enormous obstacles to getting a job. So I decided that instead of mounting an operation to get one, I would mount an operation to mediate with the universe and bring a solution to my problem of living decently and having heirs by acting in such a concerted manner and with such a commanding understanding of life and universe that the solution would present itself spontaneously. That was the decision. Now we will see if it was effective.
Posted by
2:05 PM
a big decision
big decision|decision|psychiatric nursing home|universe|

big decision,
psychiatric nursing home,
my role in history
You will find in the sidebar videos detailing the course of my life to 2002 a statement by me that I saw a fire very similar to the fire seen by Moses. Now there is and has been for many centuries a preoccupation of many people with anticipating a second coming of the Christ. So clearly I am not answering that call or any of the associated things that people expect of such a second coming. I am not the messiah and I am not a deliverer in that sense. I mention the incident of me seeing Moses's fire only to assist the interpretation of my statements and actions. Anyone wishing to claim to be Jesus coming back is going to have a hard time substantiating that. The Jews have a checklist for a messiah. The Christians have a more fuzzy concept and I can't imagine what a true messiah would go through, either to get to the point of achieving messianic deeds or to get recognition by society as the messiah, certainly a difficult thing to do given the hashing over by Christians of contemporary life as a ground for a messiah to enter. Being a second example of whatever it was that Moses was is in a sense much easier. No one expects a second Moses and there is absolutely no literature or buzz about one. So I am left free to determine for myself what to do about having seen what Moses and no one else saw. The moment I saw it I realized that my life was different from then on. Exactly how I didn't have any idea. That was in 1992. It is now sixteen years later. The videos in the sidebar cover only up to 2002. I have mulled over many parallels between Moses and myself, now that I have some reason to do so. Some things are not parallel. He was raised the son of pharaoh. I was born and raised the son of a lady's hairdresser. He was a jew. I am an atheist, though I have been at times a Christian and a Buddhist and have had some ties to Yoga. The parallels are of interest only if one finds my claim to holding the world economy in my control at least minimally reasonable, and that being at question I will leave those matters to some other time. I have other things to discuss and I will close now.
Posted by
1:35 PM
my role in history
fire of moses|moses|videos|

fire of moses,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My bureau is the zerobureau.
Its semblance to homo sapiens is isistic.
money dictates
man conforms
struggle to control money
man dictates
money conforms
struggle to control man
sheerness of the curtain is crucial
Its semblance to homo sapiens is isistic.
money dictates
man conforms
struggle to control money
man dictates
money conforms
struggle to control man
sheerness of the curtain is crucial
Posted by
11:26 AM
bureau|homo sapiens|isis|isistic|money|zerobureau|

homo sapiens,
Monday, November 10, 2008
The only sensible way to actualize payment for my release of the pinion on the world economy is by an escrow, in which payment is deposited by some party who feels the pain of the crisis, in the amount I choose, which is $175,000,000 for simple restoration to normal, and $7,000,000,000 for establishment of a substantial improvement of man's, and life's, fate, this amount to be yielded to me upon agreed upon satisfaction of a measure of fulfillment of my claim of control, whether the small one or the large one. Sounds ridiculous. Test my theory of mental illness first. If you find that false I don't expect you to believe I control the pinion.
Posted by
11:58 AM
crisis|mental illness|pinion|

mental illness,
Saturday, November 8, 2008
the nature of the pinion
Having set down a claim that the current financial crisis is in my power to end, it must be set down some description of the connection between my effects and the effects of the universe. (Why be timid, right?)
There is in the obelisk at left (update: obelisk removed because it is in doubt.) an implication that to derive this explanation of mental illness some science is necessary. No one will venture to ask what such science might be unless they find the explanation credible. I am not going to reveal the science, but the explanation might be found reasonable and some may wonder what the science is. I will say that it is sufficient to describe all life in terms of physics.
So being mentally ill, needing to figure it out, and succeeding, I am the sole Homo sapiens keeper of a physical description of life sufficient to begin or end a global financial crisis. I didn't actually decide to cause it. I decided to cause a negative result for life of unpredictable magnitude, a cause which I can reverse or worsen at my option, which decision on my part is communicated to Homo sapiens and they allowed to do as they please toward me, which to now is as a draftee into mental illness with all the misery there attached. Now, however, there is the matter of my decision to act one way or the alternate way which may or may not relate to global financial conditions.
There is in the obelisk at left (update: obelisk removed because it is in doubt.) an implication that to derive this explanation of mental illness some science is necessary. No one will venture to ask what such science might be unless they find the explanation credible. I am not going to reveal the science, but the explanation might be found reasonable and some may wonder what the science is. I will say that it is sufficient to describe all life in terms of physics.
So being mentally ill, needing to figure it out, and succeeding, I am the sole Homo sapiens keeper of a physical description of life sufficient to begin or end a global financial crisis. I didn't actually decide to cause it. I decided to cause a negative result for life of unpredictable magnitude, a cause which I can reverse or worsen at my option, which decision on my part is communicated to Homo sapiens and they allowed to do as they please toward me, which to now is as a draftee into mental illness with all the misery there attached. Now, however, there is the matter of my decision to act one way or the alternate way which may or may not relate to global financial conditions.
Posted by
1:40 PM
the nature of the pinion
crisis|financial crisis|mental illness|obelisk|physics|science|universe|

financial crisis,
mental illness,
Friday, November 7, 2008
my day at S.C.O.R.E.
Thursday I had a conference at the service corps of retired executives. Marvin listened to my business plan and opined that there's no money in it, I'll never make a living doing it. He may be right. He suggested I go ahead with it, no harm in that, but it's a hobby, not a business. I don't know, I think there will always be people who aren't technically inclined who could benefit from what a computer can do and just need someone to do it for them, provided it isn't too expensive. Maybe that's the key factor--the cost. If i can't charge enough to hire people to do it then he's right it isn't a business. I need to make enough to afford to get married, but not immediately. There's a lot of inertia I have to overcome first. Mental illness has not been kind to me. On the other hand, I have the time, best to use it to come up with some plans to make a living. I don't like the idea of being employed by someone. Too much vacuous chitchat involved in it. We'll see....
Saturday, November 1, 2008
inaugural post
Welcome one and all! It is with pride and determination I begin this enterprise, having come to it through no small feat of longevity. Many is the time I have been near death's door, pitting my acumen and wits against foe, adversity, hunger, cold, exposure, enmity, misunderstanding, and any number of other similar obstacles to simply getting to the next day ready to do it all again. Well, it's been a trip. Now I'm ready to launch into my endeavor to do what others care not to, because they are too concerned with compromise. If I had been willing to compromise, I would have become a hack like everyone else. Not that I am unaware of the top of the curve, either. I know there are exceptions out there. I saw them in college at Yale. But my position is different, even from them. It is not every milenium that a human sets eyes upon the fire of Moses. If my reading is correct, the last time it was Moses. Then it happened in 1992, here in Chicago--I saw it myself with my own two eyes. Of course I shudder to think of it. The portents are not good for certain dominant entities, just as was the case in Moses's time. I would not be honest if I said I had nothing to do with the Wall Street crisis of the past month. And the end is not in sight. Now I am in a different situation from when I was adrift alone, facing those things of which I just spoke. The tables have turned. And information is flowing in the other direction. Whether the money will too, that's anyone's guess. But the imbalance of resources, between me and the rulers, is now being reduced. Moses wanted the Jews freed. That was his path. Mine is different. I want some resources of my own. and when I get them, by any means legal, I will remove my lock on the economy. It's that simple.
Now I will say a little about the easiest way for me to be given resources. I am not a slacker. I like to work. I have a second B.A. from U.C.S.C. in physics and I am able to serve computer users less skilled than myself as a consultant. I will sit at your side at a computer and get it to do what you want, for $20 an hour. That's pretty cheap. I have taken out some ads in free online classifieds. We'll see if I get any emails from prospective customers.
That should do it for getting this ship assail. I hope we can have a free discussion of anything you want. I'm a pretty good conversationalist, and, despite the grim situation, and my part in it, I'm a pretty compassionate kinda fella. maybe that's my problem.
til next time...
Now I will say a little about the easiest way for me to be given resources. I am not a slacker. I like to work. I have a second B.A. from U.C.S.C. in physics and I am able to serve computer users less skilled than myself as a consultant. I will sit at your side at a computer and get it to do what you want, for $20 an hour. That's pretty cheap. I have taken out some ads in free online classifieds. We'll see if I get any emails from prospective customers.
That should do it for getting this ship assail. I hope we can have a free discussion of anything you want. I'm a pretty good conversationalist, and, despite the grim situation, and my part in it, I'm a pretty compassionate kinda fella. maybe that's my problem.
til next time...
Posted by
11:50 AM
inaugural post
1992|chicago|computer consulting|computers|crisis|enterprise|fire of moses|moses|u.c.s.c.|yale|

computer consulting,
fire of moses,
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