Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crystal is off restriciton

After putting Crystal on notice she would lose me if she was not able to get off restriciton, and didn't choose to marry me in that case, I mentioned this condition to some staff at the nursing home. They felt it was too strict. I said Crystal wasn't moving on it. They said she had been asking around about it, specifically with the assistant administrator, Dorothy Jackson. This was useful information.

I asked Miss Jackson about it. We talked at some length. She suggested I talk to the clinical director, Pat Blumen, as she was primarily responsible in this matter.

Talking with Miss Blumen, it was apparent she had learned something about me from the last conversation we had had. When I told her I wanted to expedite Crystal getting off restriction she said she had been thinking about it and was ready to take her off, provided the doctor (psychiatrist) approved it.

So she followed through and now Crystal is off restriction.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the sensitivity of the minicomputer touchpad to touch--"uch"

Notes on Uch

Sunday, February 22, 2009

bicycling legend of 1986, Santee, CA

As video seven in the sidebar tells, in the summer of 1986 I put up a legend with my body on a highway in Santee, CA. I was coming home from a bike trip for the day and had a flat tire so I was walking my bike. I think it was in the late afternoon.

The legend happened as a result of me seeing a cyclist approaching on the road ahead of me. He was riding an expensive bike with a windshield. To help him stabilize I put my bike beside me and put out my legs and arms in a star. when he got up to me I flipped my hands perpendicularly and sighted my feet and my hands, first away from the cyclist and then toward him, smiling, which he returned.

As this was happening, just before I flipped my hands, an expensive car approaching swirved into the opposite lane of traffic, back into its own lane, and onto the shoulder where it parked.

After the exchange with the cyclist I took my bike and continued to walk down the highway toward the parked car, where its occupants had exited the car and lined up along the inside of the shoulder, three of them, appearently father, mother, and young daughter.

As I passed the three figures I said nothing nor did they. I looked gravely into the distance.

Then i walked home, which wasn't far away--a home on Buena Vista which its owner had rented out as rooms.

Shortly afterward, perhaps the next week, I left Santee, traveling first to Boston and then to Chicago, where I have been for the most part ever since.

If by some chance word gets to the three travelers who saw me that day, or the cyclist on the bike with a windshield, of this post, the sky is the limit, as I have seen every indication the incident was remembered and has guided bicycle culture in the united states ever since.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Crystal can avoid losing me in two weeks by marrying me.

I have additionally stipulated to Crystal that if she does not beat the rap the nursing home has against her then there is one condition under which I would consent to still date her, namely, marriage.

This is a very simple condition in terms of logic.

From her point of view, either she is able to beat the rap on her own or not. If she is, she gets to date me. If she isn't, she gets the option of having me participate in her welfare under protection of the law, if we are married.

From my point of view, either she beats the rap and proves herself able to hold her own in the adverse mental health bureaucracy without my help, and will therefore be able to be in a modern relationship of equality with me, justifying a long courtship and much later marriage, or she doesn't beat the rap, in which case she gets the option of an expeditious marriage which would be somewhat forced on her, and which would necessarily be a more traditional marriage of male dominance, which is the whole reason it is a tenable option since only male dominance by me will enable her to hold her own against the mental health bureaucracy, if she proves unable to do it herself. I am quite able to act out either option for my part, though I would prefer equality.

The substance of the restriction on Crystal is a claim that she got lost on the south side of Chicago, had no money to get back, and had to be brought back by her family.

Crystal's claim, made to me, and I believe hers over theirs, is that she went to Targets on the south side, and had enough money to get home, but her sister showed up there in her car and brought her back from there. I asked Crystal how her sister knew she was at Targets and she said she didn't know.

It isn't unusual, from talking to Crystal over the several months we have dated, for her not to know important details that affect her life materially. She doesn't know if her grandparents are alive. She doesn't know if her parents ever married. Another man than myself, upon hearing of this failing of details, would undoubtedly have ventured into one or another sort of interrogation. Such a tack would have alienated Crystal in the first incident and there would never have been a second. So I believe I know more about Crystal than anyone else in my position would know by now.

While it is impossible to know exactly what Crystal's experience over the full course of her life has been, it is possible to speculate that this highly intelligent and alert young lady has been dealt less than a full hand and is not to blame.

One thing I do not want to do is scandalize Crystal's family. However, it appears to me, and life does not permit us to consider each other's lives very scientifically as would allow me to do better than comment on appearances, that Crystal is in a dysfunctional family with a polished exterior and Crystal is being forced to soldier through life as if she had the polish but is not being credited for suffering the dysfunction.

Here is the reason i say this:

Our nursing home made my meeting Crystal's mother a condition of my taking her out past curfew to see our first opera. The meeting occurred on the day I was working as a judge of election last November. This was actually after the opera but her mother failed to show for an earlier scheduled meeting. We met in the foyer of the church where the election was being held. It had to be quick.

Upon meeting Crystal's mother, whose name I will presently withhold (it is not Crystal's last name), I was immediately impressed with her well dressed appearance, most agreeably accompanied by a startlingly good-looking figure and radiant, definitely glamorous face. After a sketchy introduction I expressed my overwhelming approval of her by embracing her, which she accepted in kind. I looked between Crystal and her and immediately saw that they were exact lookalikes, to the limits of my powers of observation on the fly.

I leaped into a statement about certain bureaucratic difficulties Crystal and I were having but her mother quashed all that, calmed me down, and said she would return on another day when we would have plenty of time to discuss such things.

This was essentially all of our meeting. however it leaves one thing out.

Crystal's mother smelled strongly of alcohol.

This public airing requires me to immediately add that my own brother is now facing a drinking problem and spent some time in a hospital detox recently.

I personally have never had an alcohol problem. I am very sympathetic, however, and if asked to give the world for Crystal's mother, or for my brother, in the interest of helping them fight this addiction, i would gladly do so. When my brother told me of his problem I decided to give up alcohol myself in solidarity. I have broken that promise to myself once in a year, at a time when I felt far from my brother in affection. He has fallen back into drinking since then and I am more likely to not drink as a result. His is the problem, Mine is the symbol. They are both important and both difficult, for completely different reasons.

I cannot expect to have a chance to say to Crystal or her mother that I smelled alcohol on Crystal's mother's breath. I don't expect their circle to read of it here. I hope, however, that the centrality of my life and of this blog, provide the insight into Crystal and her mother, in general and in specific detail, that may just make the difference, in Crystal's life if not in her mother's.

When I told Crystal that if she doesn't beat the rap in two weeks then I will only date her if we get married, she burst out into laughter. It tells me she doesn't have much belief in me. Time will tell whether she is able to think clearly enough to see the logic in marriage as I have laid it out here. I think one aspect of the problem she faces is that she doesn't recognize the logic in what people say, never having seen it before. Maybe now she has.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Crystal's deadline--in two weeks

My nursing home has refused to let me enter the discussion of my girlfriend Crystal's restriction from leaving the facility. She seems to be the victim of stigma of being mentally ill. I would help her fight the stigma if they would let me enter the discussion but they won't. I have consequently told Crystal that if she is not able to win the argument she and I have no future. I have given her 2 weeks, and after that if she hasn't gotten them to admit she is right that she did nothing wrong then i'm calling it quits with her.

This is very troubling. If I fail with Crystal then what hope for me is there with a normal girl? At least the mentally ill have distance from the species. the normal do not and will consequently be even more difficult to fit into my plans for a new species. Homo sapiens are saturated with commitment to the grip of homo sapiens on real estate. It may come to war.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

labeling paraphrased material as mine in the third grade

I have an important confession and apology to make concerning my life of writing.

Just recently I have been reading the Chicago Manual of Style and I happened to come upon a statement that the law of the united states considers paraphrase to be equivalent to copying in matters of copyright infringement.

When I was in the third grade I entered an essay contest sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution. I chose the topic of how people tried to find a water route from the newly discovered east coast of the new world through to the orient. It so happens that I was unable to conceptualize in English any of my thoughts about this topic or my studies of it. Setting upon the task of writing I decided in desperation to paraphrase all my sources. Furthermore, I did not get permission to do so from the copyright holders of the material I copied, which at that age I was not in any way tutored in just how to do that. I sensed that paraphrase might be unsportsmanlike or worse, just how much worse I did not fully try to anticipate. In view of my findings of late, I am now certain. It was unlawful use of others' work and I had no right to claim the essay I created as my own, especially since I was competing for a coveted prize. I won nothing with my essay, which disappointed me only because I considered myself a good student with a record of consistent superior performance, scoring high in my schoolwork without much notice by myself of the good qualities of my work. I never saw the other students' work, pretty much, so I had nothing to compare it to. This was a public school education.

Had I been aware of myself sufficiently, I would have stopped at the moment I realized my English was not up to the task of the essay and planned out for myself an ambitious course of self-study to learn how to express my thoughts in speech and writing--I was not very good getting my points across in speech either. Such a course of study would have meant practicing the solution of very precisely formulated problems, starting with simple but challenging ones. I certainly would have resigned from the essay contest.

However, I stayed in the contest and paraphrased and now I must offer an apology especially to the authors of the work I paraphrased for labeling as mine what really was theirs and not mine in the least. The academic world depends on fairness according to the law for its reasonable good functioning and by putting aside my second thoughts about paraphrasing I damaged the foundation on which I was building for future possible participation in academia or the general field of writing. So much misery could have been avoided...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

overpowering by exterest, its possible abuse

There seems to be a difference between interest and exterest in the mentally ill person's mind in that interest is metabolically maintained by one person while exterest is maintained by the population. This results in a partial representation of a sphere by the vision, because one person's vision does not receive an impression from the full 4 pi r squared spherical area around it, and this limits interest to a partial nature in that way, while the exterest is fully 4 pi r squared in nature.

This difference give a great advantage to exterest over interest, and may be the reason mental illness is so overpowering. I had earlier given a proposal that this overpowering was a result of the growth of the median, through all radii which the median occupies as it grows. This earlier suggestion would seem to be weaker than the current suggestion, that it is the complete sphericalness of exterest that gives it more power than interest.

It also would seem that the same difference of extent would enable parties of such a mind to abuse the mentally ill to do so, because it might be possible to create effects that the mentally ill person cannot see, effects based in the part of the body which the vision cannot monitor. Until I suggested this possibility no one thought of it and if it is going on, it has not been suspected or looked for.

Monday, February 9, 2009

the case against Bill Wilt

I am going to, in this and coming posts, discuss each of the cases of my allegations of covert repression. This is so that each one can be investigated economically.

All the allegations, if validated, carry a death sentence for the entire group of people responsible, both from the time of onset of the repression, and currently. Anyone involved in the repression during any of that time will be put on the death warrant. My coming to be kingpin has not been a process of merely a few showy demonstrations of prowess. It has been one of surviving and keeping my personal style despite repression of various sorts and with various effects, all of them deterring me from either surviving or pursuing my personal style.

The first one I am going to discuss, preliminarily and not exhaustively, will be my uncle, William F. Wilt. I grew up in an atmosphere tinted with admiration for this traitor to my interests. Admired, but never reaching out to me as a potential colleague or protege, he climbed the corporate ladder to become president of a giant American aerospace corporation, Aerojet General. Little did I suspect how little he was aware of my own star developing, but only noting the highlights where they reflected his own directions. I was pursuing exactly what I have attained, namely, becoming kingpin, though I wouldn't have ever been able to tell you that on the way there. My glory is endowed with spiritual qualities concordant with the most vital position in America. His is limited to his place in polite society, albeit an industrious one.

And in industry is the rub. Bill fucking wilt thought I was lazy.

Now those who know me know I am not lazy. but Bill Wilt didn't know that and neither do his ministers currently serving his will on me. Why did he think I was lazy? Because I knew from an early age that I was deemed the carrier of the family leadership as chosen to be so by my mother's mother, and Wilt's mother, namely, Elizabeth Paxton Wilt, and knowing this, I granted myself a circle of pause around me enabling me to relax, for I had great goals, unspecific, but unlimited since I knew of no bounds to the title I had gained from my grandmother. Consequently, I let my hair down and Bill fucking Wilt thought I was profligate. He especially thought I was profligate because I had lost my social position by dropping out of graduate school at Yale when I relapsed after going off medication. Betty Wilt continued to perceive my pursuit of my potential and took me in while the rest of the family poured anathema on me, and in Bill fucking Wilt's case this amounted to covert repression. Deciding to go off medication was a good decision. Not doing so, I would be on Mellaril to this day, and maybe dead because it has that possible result. It also obliterates spirit. It makes you sleepy all day and I was of the opinion I was better than that. My current theory about mental illness is that it is caused intentionally by homo sapiens to cover their asses with respect to language effects leaking when people speak and miss their mark. to do this the species sets a threshold past which everyone susceptible to mental illness is drafted into it. This threshold is applied uniformly throughout the ranks of the species so as to get isotropic distribution of the drafted parts, so it hits good people as well as bad with equal volatility. I believe my theory is correct. Mental illness is no demerit.

I could have avoided Bill fucking Wilt's unattenuated repression by telling him off in the beginning of it, when he had me in his car after I dropped out of Yale and he told me I "need to work". That, however, was an invitation to argument and argument is always enhanced by time and self-discipline. I get to speak now and I choose to issue a death warrant for Bill fucking Wilt's living representatives and all their servants. The evidence is there. It can be proven he has inflicted his personal condemnation on me through his considerable power, and through my superior power I can express my contempt for it, once my allegations are proven.

the question of notification I am a kingpin

It could be offered that issuing death warrants for parties which have not been notified that I am a kingpin is somehow improper. This offering is rejected. It is an advantage to be a kingpin in secret, and this advantage enables me to act powerfully in secret to meet secret menaces. Why should i limit myself in a way in which my adversaries do not limit themselves?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

a better way than Christianity for the United States

The United States cannot improve others with Christianity. It would not be able to improve others with islam. from the position of having a preliminary proof of the better way than being better, It is impossible to devote time to comparison of religions.

United States no longer corrupt and materialistic in my view

With the election of Barack Obama I consider that the United States can no longer be characterized as a corrupt, materialistic society, and therefore I look for a change in policy of radical Islam toward this country inasmuch as I think of that faction as innocent and aware of realities and therefore as able as I to perceive the implications of the election. I await signal of this change and if they do not come in a reasonable amount of time I will change my policy of support for radical Islam to one of opposition, to the furthest extent of my powers.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Crystal has a coordinated distraction.

My girlfriend Crystal is suffering a coordinated distraction. It is impossible to locate the coordinates of the distraction without imprinting my own coordinates on her. She probably doesn't know any coordinate system well enough to allow me to do so. So far my only success has been to translate her hazarding into tangible terms, but this doesn't lend itself to my understanding as much as a coordinate connection does.

My discussion here of Crystal is coordinated into my own understanding and helps me to perceive her thinking as an example of playing out of my theory of mental illness.

The only logically valid operation between two mentally ill persons is propagation and this includes all the coordinated operations of enabling that and guaranteeing the survival of descendants. Her hazarding is as valid as mine.

It may be possible to coordinate propagation and facilitate descent without actually knowing her distraction's coordinates. I don't know my own, after all, and that has not prevented me from exploring the working of my theory of mental illness. If i can create coordination it should be easier to translate her hazarding into tangible terms.

I will rush to coordinate with her.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dave Ristau in the seventh grade

Dave Ristau was a student in my honors English class in the seventh grade. He was one of the top gangsters in the school at that time. How could he get into an honors class?

Very simple, if you'll permit me a little speculative license.

I was known as promising. Little was it known just how promising i was. The Italian mafia knew exactly how promising i was. They wanted a piece of my action.

When JFK was assassinated it happened during honors English class and Dave Ristau was in the back watching me. The mob had JFK assassinated. The mob was going to ride me to the presidency.

Well it didn't happen. Instead, i beat them at their own game and became kingpin, taking Obama to the White House on my coattails. So now they have to accept the black race as equals. I don't think all of them like it. They will have to adjust.

dating across generations

Courtship involves both genders making a search of their universe for hazards. Dating is going out as a team incorporating the wisdom of the species in its comprehension of hazards as distinct from dangers, which are without a science somewhere in authority over them while hazards have it. Each generation hazards into the universe in a different state of advancement of the species on its dangers. When two people of distinctly different generations court and date, their hazarding must necessarily involve a much larger scale of species issues, or their connection will be too small and fail. hazarding in a larger scale is something no one teaches, and there is a possibility for great disaster. When Pythagoras married one of his students, they witnessed the destruction of the welcome of his school among the people in ancient Greece, who burned it down. Both my girlfriend, crystal, and I have immediately witnessed disasters. She a restriction on her activities. I a computer error of major scale. Time will tell if we solve these problems.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Crystal is on restriction at our nursing home.

My girlfriend, Crystal Newell, was put on restriction over a week ago. That means she can't leave the facility without an escort.

The incident which brought this about, as best i can gather, was an argument over just what she is able to do under her own authority. She decided to take a bus trip to Targets, and did so. At some point after returning she got into an argument involving her mother and her sisters over whether she should have made the trip. Staff got involved in the argument at some point. I am not sure just why it is alleged she should not have made the trip. The little i have been able to learn about it does not seem to me to be a credible complaint if one assumes Crystal has the right to go where she wants.

Once a mentally ill person is censured, it is pointless to argue. Their credibility is nil and arguing only tightens the vise. The facts of the situation are not viewed in the priorities of the mentally ill person. Crystal is young and has not learned either the danger in argument nor any good means of working around it.

Now she and i are both penalized. We cannot go out of the facility on a date. Our next one is scheduled for the sixteenth of this month to see Wagner's Tristan und Iseult at Lyric Opera.

I have asked Crystal what she intends to do to get off restriction but she doesn't seem to have any ideas and the situation doesn't seem to be evolving in her favor.

The people who have jurisdiction are her doctor, the clinical director, and the administrator. None of them is a colleague of mine so i am loath to approach them and reason.

Crystal defers to her mother's decisions. Growing out of that is not going to be without complications and if i am to be an important part of Crystal's life i must be willing to take some part in them, provided Crystal accepts me in such a role. It would appear that my place in all this at the present is on the outside standing ready to speak. Anything i say must be regulated and come from a knowledgeable position. Bad ideas will blow up immediately. My way with words is not arbitrarily potent but i am learning quite a bit from talking to Crystal. I am worried that she is not applying herself to speech, and this inhibits her rate of learning the dangers of argument for a mentally ill person. Her economy of conversation can be a great advantage, but only if she sees in it moments of opportunity for such learning.

The imperative in argument to refrain from profanity is a hard task-master. Being around people who are basically strangers here is an open invitation to use of threats and cursing. The staff doesn't know any more about handling it than the residents and Crystal's superior standing on this score is apparently not making an impression on anyone. It may be a problem of education. She only got to her sophomore year in high school. Why? She is intelligent. Her speech economy needs to learn the value of addressing a group. She is being buried in idiosyncrasy and her good looks are no defense against this.

Interest breath swamped by exterest breath throughout the sphere of interest.

Before the onset of mental illness, as the sphere of interest expands under the impulse of the growing inner membrane nourished by the breath of the person, the median is always a spherical shell. And as we saw in a recent post, the spherical shape produces the effect of a voice, limited to one such, and for exterest in the median this voice is impelled by mission, the impulse of survival of the species in numbers. Thus this impulse is imprinted on the sphere of interest throughout, because the median passes through every radius from zero to the full size of the sphere of interest.

Then when mental illness hits and the inner membrane disintegrates, exterest flushes into the sphere and the entire history of its impulse passing from zero radius to the radius of the inner membrane is apparently restored. Breath inherent in interest is commingled with breath impulse inherent in exterest and at every juncture interest breath is way behind on the multifaceted schedule of exterest breath, which now fills the entire sphere, swamping the person's own schedule of breath in a wash of species survival impulse strength.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Homosexual policy

I said in an earlier post that homosexuality needs to be stamped out. Here is how I would do it.

I propose a world-wide policy: no homosexual may come within communication distance to any minor. The punishment for a first offense is death.