Monday, January 26, 2009

explanation of the previous post about staff at my nursing home, Bryn Mawr Care

The scribd document, “some staff at my nursing home”, in the preceding post, needs a little explanation.

The second column, “familiarity score, 1000 scale/percent error estimate”, is an estimate by me of the familiarity of each staff member with me, on a scale from 1 to 1000, and, after the slash, an estimate of the percent error of that estimate of familiarity.

The third column, “professional score relative to position”, is my estimate of the professional quality of each staff members job performance, on a scale from 1 to 1000, where 1000 represents doing the job perfectly.

I have given error estimates for familiarity with me but not for job performance because i know more about the ideal score for familiarity than i do for job performance.

Bryn Mawr Care, my nursing home

located at 5547 N. Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60640

phone: 773-561-7040

owned by SIR Management.

“These facilities are licensed, regulated and inspected at least annually by the Illinois Department of Public Health.”--IDPH website.