Saturday, December 4, 2010

A problem employee at Bryn Mawr Care.

I have a problem employee at my nursing home. Her name is Carolyn and she is a CNA, or certified nursing assistant.

This person is on constant watch for opportunities to censure me. She has some strained image of me as constantly looking for ways to take advantage of the system. She ignores the enormous array of cooperative options that I tend to generate at all times, preferring instead to classify me as no better than the other residents. This would be justified if I had not built a social network here of awareness to some degree of what I have done to bolster employee skills. Unfortunately, the skills get more attention than who is bolstering them. This is a regressive situation. It discourages me from doing the bolstering, with those employees who don't take the time to contemplate my behavior from an objective perspective instead of a strictly disciplinary one. If a resident is obeying the staff, he is not observed, because every resident is considered by this type of employee to be a potential troublemaker first and there is no second. So this type of staff doesn't see what I do most of the time to bolster.

Perhaps giving Carolyn's name here will have some consequences and bring her around to a more objectively observant position.