Friday, January 9, 2009

der, rder, rrder, rrrder, and rrrrder

I have created some new terms regarding order. I take the or- off to get the fragment der. Then I start adding back on r's.

der no order intended
rder this order intended only
rrder a different order meant, usually with reference to only two items
rrrder a random order indicated
rrrrder all orders intended

If I give a list of items I have to give them in a particular order. I may not want to point to that order. To indicate this, I note somewhere by the list "der", if I intend no order.

If I have inherited a list of my own through work which I want to keep the order of and want to specify this, I write "rder" by the list.

If I want to refer to a different order, especially if there are only two items and thus only two possible orders, I write "rrder" by the list.

If I need to refer to some randomly chosen order of a list I write "rrrder" by the list.

If I want to refer to all possible orders of the list I write "rrrrder" by the list.